This book comes highly recommended, and discusses the importance of prioritizing our lives according to our values, and principles.

It seems that in today’s society, we tend to seek more and more efficient and effective ways of performing our everyday tasks. However, if our principles and values aren’t correctly aligned, then yes we may be moving fast, but in the entirely wrong direction.

I recently visited the Marriott hotel, where I picked up a rather unique notepad. Instead of a To-Do list, it was dubbed an “Accomplished List”.

Perhaps an even better list would be a To Be list. As a young Boy Scout, I learned a list of attributes that I should seek to develop, which are found in the Scout Law. A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.

Although you can’t necessarily check these attributes off on a list, you can do your best to become someone better, day by day, by putting first things first.

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