This tune is from a childrens’ song book  I found in Mexico. I borrowed the weathered book from an elderly woman, and made copies of all the songs. However, I misplaced the copies, and this was one of the only songs I had memorized. I believe there are three verses, and I only remember the first verse. Perhaps one day I’ll be able to track down the rest of the song, along with the complete song book.

Here is a recording made by yours truly, followed by a translation of the lyrics.


Mis dientes no los lavaré, un niño exclamó, ya me bané ya me peiné, con eso me bastó. Más en su boca se oyó, un grito de placer, y los microbios sin temor, salieron a comer.

I won’t brush my teeth, a child yelled. I already took a bath, and combed my hair, and that’s all I’m doing. Yet in his mouth a yell of excitement was heard, and the microbes ventured out to feast.


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