Here is a summary of what happened. Farther down there is more analysis in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

I met Nick Noe and Charles Woods the day prior on Saturday October 10th, during AmpFest. They were both very nervous about what was coming out.

Nick Noe and Charles Woods presented at Ampfest 2020 in Miami Florida on Sunday October 11th. I was in attendance. Anna Khait who was also in attendance, helped break the story. The story consists of making the clear connection between Hillary Clinton’s arms dealing in Libya, the death of U.S. Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi, the death of Seal Team 6 in a helicopter crash, and the billions of dollars Obama paid Iran.

During their presentation, they showed a pre-recorded video interview with Alan Howell Parrot, who was a falconer in the Middle East and had dealings with many terrorists in the Middle East.

News Articles & Background

DJHJ Media

For more in-depth analysis see Heshmat Alavi’s Twitter.

Follow the journalist who broke the story

Watch the video on, the platform that first released the video

Follow Nick Noe who ran comms in North Africa in Benghazi

Follow Zach Vorhies who is an intelligence analyst

Learn more about Alan Howell Parrot, the whistleblower and informant in the Middle East…

Analysis of Benghazi 2.0

analysis from Ian Trottier @iantrottier

Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens was on Clinton’s trail. He likely knew of the arms deal she was brokering illegally. That’s why her administration and Obama (and Biden linked to it) did not cover for Stevens when Kris Paronto and his team were ready to go, storm the compound, and take Stevens out alive. Stevens knew what Clinton was up to. The illegal arms deal that Clinton made ended up funding this cell over in Afghanistan. This is where I believe Alan Parrot’s testimony is important, because an intelligence officer somehow traced the missile back that blew up the helicopter from the Bin Laden raid, linked it back to the sale through Benghazi. And I believe Parrot’s testimony verifies that.

Charles Woods simply began investigating how and why his son died and was not saved, when the “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” Michael Bay film clearly shows there was at least a 40 minute window where our men could have and should have gone into the compound. They were ready and they would have taken out Stevens alive. Nick Noe was an Air Force soldier who was operating communications in Northern Africa and he can attest to the fact that help was available, but nobody came.

That’s why this is a smoking gun because it directly indicts and links Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton to this illegal arms trade. The 2 billion was given to Iran, by Obama, was given to allegedly cover, it was payment for the Iranian government trying to keep this, their knowledge of it and their involvement of it, as it went through Iran, the arms deal went through Iran, keeping it under wraps. So it was a payoff, that’s why they were paid that, because of their service to the Obama administration.


O Embaixador J. Christopher Stevens estava no encalço de Clinton. Ele provavelmente sabia do negócio de armas que ela estava negociando ilegalmente. É por isso que seu governo e Obama (e Biden ligado a ele) não cobriram Stevens quando Kris Paronto e sua equipe estavam prontos para atacar o complexo e tirar Stevens vivo. Stevens sabia o que Clinton estava fazendo. O negócio ilegal de armas que Clinton fez acabou financiando esta célula no Afeganistão. É aqui que acredito que o testemunho de Alan Parrot é importante, porque um oficial de inteligência de alguma forma rastreou o míssil que explodiu o helicóptero do ataque a Bin Laden, vinculando-o à venda por meio de Benghazi. E acredito que o testemunho de Parrot confirma isso.

Charles Woods simplesmente começou a investigar como e por que seu filho morreu e não foi salvo, quando o filme “13 Horas: Os Soldados Secretos de Benghazi” Michael Bay mostra claramente que havia pelo menos uma janela de 40 minutos onde nossos homens poderiam e deveriam ter ido para o composto. Eles estavam prontos e teriam matado Stevens vivo. Nick Noe era um soldado da Força Aérea que operava comunicações no norte da África e pode atestar o fato de que havia ajuda disponível, mas ninguém apareceu.

É por isso que esta é uma arma fumegante, porque acusa diretamente e vincula Joe Biden e Hillary Clinton a este comércio ilegal de armas. Os 2 bilhões foram doados ao Irã, por Obama, foram dados para supostamente cobertura, foi um pagamento para o governo iraniano tentar manter isso, o conhecimento deles e o envolvimento deles, como passou pelo Irã, o negócio de armas passou Irã, mantendo-o sob sigilo. Portanto, foi uma recompensa, é por isso que eles foram pagos, por causa de seus serviços ao governo Obama.

Spanish translation from Laura Assis Argentina

Análisis de Ian Trottier @iantrottier

El embajador J. Christopher Stevens estaba siguiendo de cerca a Clinton. Probablemente sabía sobre el negocio de armas que ella estaba comerciando ilegalmente. Es por eso que su gobierno y Obama (y Biden unido a él) no cubrieron a Stevens cuando Kris Paronto y su equipo estaban listos para atacar el complejo y sacarlo a Stevens vivo. Stevens sabía lo que hacía Clinton. El trato ilegal de armas que Clinton hizo terminó financiando esta célula en Afganistán. Es aquí donde creo que es importante el testimonio de Alan Parrot, porque el misil que rastreó de alguna manera un oficial de inteligencia, creo que el misil que hizo explotar el helicóptero del ataque a Bin Laden, lo relacionó con la venta a través de Bengasi. Y creo que el testimonio de Parrot lo confirma.

Charles Woods simplemente comenzó a investigar cómo y por qué su hijo murió y no se salvó, cuando la película de 13 horas de Michael Bay muestra claramente que había al menos una ventana de 40 minutos donde nuestros hombres podrían y deberían haber ingresado al complejo. Estaban listos y habrían sacado a Stevens vivo. Nick Noe era un soldado de la Fuerza Aérea que operaba comunicaciones en el norte de África y puede dar fe del hecho de que había ayuda disponible, pero nadie vino.

Es por eso que esto es una pistola humeante, porque acusa y vincula directamente a Joe Biden y Hillary Clinton con este comercio ilegal de armas. Los 2 mil millones que creo que Obama le dio a Irán, fueron entregados para cubrir, fue un pago para que el gobierno iraní intentara.

Zoomed-in sections of the transcript

Audio 2–part of this is from the above image of the audio transcript

2011 01 06–02—-Congressman Curt Weldon–Attorney Brian Ettinger–We will meet VP Joe Biden–Admits USG Policy to Protect UBL in Iran–Will Sign NDA (1)

Audio 1—This is new material(see transcript below)

2011 01 06–01—-Congressman Curt Weldon–VP Biden sends Attorney Brian Ettinger on Secret Missions without State Department involved–Mullers FBI raid because AHP talked with Weldon and daughter abo (1) (1)

“you could become the next president if you help Alan [Howell Parrot] bring Bin Laden Back”

Leon Panetta allegedly said “Do not pursue Bin Laden in Iran”

For the full transcript, go to

Additional Evidence

Alan Howell Parrot, in his role with the Union for the Conservation of Raptors, wrote a letter asking why Biden hadn’t looked into the intel Parrot himself could provide about Usama Bin Laden. We also see here the non-disclosure agreement between attorney Brian Ettinger and Alan Howell Parrot.

Other Corroborations

The book by Ken Timmerman, Dark Forces: The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi, corroborates the connection between the Stinger missiles and the helicopter attack on members of Seal Team 6.

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Matt Bissonnette, the former Navy Seal who wrote No Easy Day, claims he did not recognize Bin Laden