*This post was published on 12/25/2020
CAUGHT ON TAPE! Man claiming to have DOD ties says ballots were offloaded from a plane in AZ, used to “jade” the election in favor of Joe Biden.

Original Parler post from Stew Peters: https://parler.com/post/17ebb10c75b34755947f223604b2de48
Rumble video: https://rumble.com/vc7q75-caught-on-tape-man-claiming-to-be-dod-official-admits-plane-offloaded-ballo.html
(At the 11 minute mark are the new audio tapes obtained by PC Radio Show)
**Any sharing/copying of the Korean Air story to other websites/blogs/platforms IS permissible** Please email me at therealryanhartwig@gmail.com for any questions or for permission in writing.
Wednesday 12/23/2020 Interview regarding Korean Air: Original interviewer was Stew Peters. @realstewpeters https://twitter.com/realstewpeters

Part 1: Korean Air in Phoenix and Ryan Hartwig’s involvement
Part 2: An election lawsuit in Arizona and how Seattle plays a role
Pertinent Articles describing the importance of Scott Koch and the role he played
Part 3: Alleged DOD Operative Accidentally Exposes Second Plane in Phoenix. The company Scott Koch worked for: https://mayhemsolutionsgroup.com/
Part 1: Korean Air in Phoenix and Ryan Hartwig’s involvement
People Involved
Jake = Congressional candidate
Jennifer = influential Republican activist in AZ
Nancy = person in the car with me who helped take photos of the plane
Jessica = political activist who gave me the initial tip
Chris = political activist who has helped with Sharpiegate in AZ
James = political activist who connected me to people in D.C.
Jason = Trump campaign finance who sent it up the food chain
No Alias
Tom Van Flein, chief of staff for Congressman Paul Gosar.
Ryan Hartwig = received initial tip on Saturday and brought all these people together to the parking lot of Swift Aviation next to the plane.
*******, law student who has since submitted a lawsuit in Pinal County.
10 individuals total
*Note: I spoke with Tom Van Flein, Congressman Paul Gosar’s Chief of Staff on 12/23/2020 and he agreed to be named in full. Tom said “we were concerned, and we are still concerned about election fraud.”
Timeline: Saturday November 7th
- 6:30pm Ryan Hartwig received a tip about the Korean airplane at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport
- 7:25pm Ryan picks up Nancy. Ryan loops in Jake and Chris. Jake then loops in Tom Van Flein, Paul Gosar’s chief of staff.
- 7:50pm Ryan and Nancy arrive at the Swift transportation hangar and take photos of the Korean Air airplane which has its staircase down.
- 9:20pm Tom Van Flein arrives on site.
- 9:37pm Jake arrives on site
- 9:40pm Two vehicles arrive, enter the tarmac, park next to the plane and the people in the cars unload boxes and other items into the plane.
- 9:53pm Other individuals walk from the hangar lobby and onto the plane. 4 or 5 individuals in suits, and one wearing a white shirt.
- 9:55pm The two vehicles leave, stopping in front of my car for a bit and also stopping in front of Tom Van Flein’s car.
- 10:10pm Jennifer goes into the lobby for Swift Aviation to make a complaint to customs
- 10:45pm Plane begins to taxi away for departure.
- 10:47pm I called Phoenix police non-emergency #
- 11:00pm Phoenix police arrive
- 11:45pm Phoenix police depart and I go home.
What happened:
On Saturday November 7th, 2020 I went to two rallies earlier in the day. At 1pm I went to the rally at the capitol in Phoenix, Arizona and met up with Dr. Cordie Williams briefly. I also saw Sheriff Mark Lamb at that rally, and took a picture with him.
While at the capitol I ran into people who realized I had previously worked with Project Veritas, so they gave me some tips about election fraud. They gave me the name of someone named Staci Burk, who knew someone in Seattle at a shipping center, who had seen ballots being loaded into trucks to be shipped around the country. There was zero mention of airplanes, just of a shipping center in Seattle. I took notes on my phone about this where it says “kid it was his last day”.
I took down the information about Staci Burk, which only mentioned Seattle and nothing about Phoenix. Then around 3:00pm I went to the rally at 510 S 3rd Ave, Phoenix AZ 85003, at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC).
I gave a speech at around 5:10pm which you can see here: https://www.facebook.com/rhonda.levenda/videos/10219139780148525
I also met Adel who was leading the rally. During my speech I plugged Project Veritas, since I was an insider with them and went public with them on 6/25/2020 as an insider at Facebook. https://www.projectveritas.com/news/ryan-hartwig-facebook/
At about 5:30pm I left the rally, ate and walked to my car.
At 6:29pm I got a text from Jessica (alias), who is a friend of Nancy who said “Hi call Nancy. I got a call a Korean bombier jet from Korea with a blue belly flew in an airplane w no seats and has boxes of ballots. At Swift Aviation Phx.” And she shared with me the contact info for Jennifer. [RH1]
At 6:34pm I got a text from Nancy that said “Do you know anyone who can get to Swift transportation .Told about a plan with ballots & unsure if loading or going to election counting place. Plane is a bombardier small jet with blue belly.”
I called Nancy at 6:39pm on 11/7/2020 Saturday and she filled me in on the little she knew. Basically that there was an airplane at Swift aviation right now and it was gonna leave later that night.
At 6:50pm I called Jennifer at NUMBER REDACTED and she explained to me what she knew. She said someone who works with a top Democrat leader is the source. The source said the plane arrived on November 5th. I told Jennifer I used to work with Project Veritas. Later I realized she thought I was working with Project Veritas currently as an undercover journalist, but I am not and later clarified that with her.
I initially thought the plane had already unloaded and was maybe sending the ballots in a truck to the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center, so I drove back to where the rally was. I messaged Chris, who is leading the effort in Arizona to gather affidavits for the Sharpie marker fraud. He called me at 7:06pm and I told him about the situation and that we thought there was an airplane at Sky Harbor at the Swift aviation hangar with ballots. He also told me about how he just went to Chandler and photographed 2 ballot counting machines stored in an office building and susceptible to theft.
At 7:25pm I picked up Nancy from her house. She lives nearby. From her house it was a 15 minute drive to the airport. From 24th st, just west of Sky Harbor International Airport, we drove down Old Tower Rd east and pulled into the Swift Aviation parking lot at around 7:50pm. There were no “no trespassing signs” at all on that property and we were able to drive around the parking lot and drive close to the fence and see the parked plane.
Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport
We took photo and video of the plane, which had a blue underbelly. We could read that it was a Korean Air airplane and looked like it could easily be a 19 passenger plane, and the tail of the wing said “HL8230”.
I texted Jake, Congressional Candidate in AZ-7 at 8:21pm. I texted him saying “Call me ASAP!” and I sent photos we just had taken of the plane on the tarmac. Jake’s phone number is NUMBER REDACTED
At 8:34pm Jake replied “Send me location. I’m on my way”. At 8:39pm Jake texted “I reached out to a Homeland Security friend. Trump supporter. He is contacting Trump attorneys. He may call. He’s calling now.”
I gave Jake my live google maps location and Jake arrived at the same Swift hangar parking lot at 9:37pm
Jake had also reached out to Congressman Paul Gosar’s office, and put me in touch with Tom Van Flein, Paul Gosar’s Chief of Staff (AZ 4th Congressional District).
I texted Tom Van Flein the photos of the airplane at 8:33pm to his phone number NUMBER REDACTED. Tom originally called me at 8:30pm and he was the first one to arrive. I texted him my live Google maps location at 8:57pm.
I believe Tom Van Flein arrived around 9:20pm at the Swift hangar parking lot.
At some point after 9:40pm Jennifer and her husband arrived on site.
Chris arrived on site around 10:06pm.
After he arrived I moved my TYPE OF VEHICLE REDACTED back to where I was parked near the fence. Nancy was still in the car with me. While parked we had the airplane in sight.
At roughly 9:40pm two vehicles entered the tarmac. One was a black van that looked like a Mercedes Sprinter. The other was a black Cadillac Escalate type vehicle. They parked next to the plane and began unloading things into the plane.
Also separately we saw 4 of 5 people walk from the Swift Aviation lobby onto the tarmac and they entered the plane. We believe they were all males, thin, wearing suits. One of them was wearing a white shirt.
At 9:26pm I was texting Jason live updates
At 9:40pm I texted Jason that two vehicles just entered the tarmac and parked next to the plane.
At 9:44pm I texted Jason saying “I saw a box being loaded from the SUV onto the plane”.
At 9:47pm I texted Jason saying “Takeoff is at 11:10pm AZ time headed for Seattle
At 9:53pm I texted Jason saying “Guys getting on the plane now, looks like passengers. We will get the plates when they come out, it is the same entrance.” “Passengers boarding the plane right now”.
At 9:57pm I texted Jason saying “They know something is going on.” The two vehicles left the tarmac and stopped in front of us. We were parked under an awning and were parked facing towards them as they exited.
As they exited at 9:55pm I called Tom Van Flein real quick and told him to get the license plates. They also stopped right in front of Tom’s parked car before leaving.
The company was Way 2 Go Transportation and both vehicles belong to that company. The license plate numbers are REDACTED for the first vehicle and REDACTED for the second vehicle. Both Arizona plates.
At 10:09pm I texted Jason that Jake was tailing the 2 vehicles, and he followed them back to a private residence. When Jake arrived at the house, he took 25 seconds of video.
Professional Limousine Service
Jake later texted me some info about that private residence that his campaign manager NAME REDACTED researched. Campaign manager texted Jake, “NAME REDACTED is the owner of the company. That was his private residence.” James texted to Jake “The guy who owns the house has cocaine charges and assault with a gun charges. Glad he didn’t see you! Lol.”
Jake then came back to the Swift transportation parking lot.
Going back in time a little, Chris is a political activist I met on Friday 11/6 at one of the rallies, along with Dr. Cordie Williams. We had lunch together on Friday afternoon. So on Saturday November 7th, 2020 at 7:06pm Chris called me and I explained the Korean airplane thing. At 9:32pm Chris messaged me he was en route to the Swift transportation parking lot.
Chris had a scope for his camera and stood up to the fence and took better pictures and video of the plane. He arrived last, after Tom Van Flein, Jake and Jennifer.
Patrick is with the Trump campaign and called me at 10:09pm from NUMBER REDACTED. He was on the phone along with another female. At one point they advised we send someone into the lobby to make a complaint to customs about the Korean Air plane about to leave. He also called me at 10:22pm.
Jennifer was in my vehicle when Patrick called us and advised we send someone into the lobby. Jennifer volunteered since she said she doesn’t look like law enforcement, and I agreed that I could be mistaken for undercover law enforcement, although I am clearly not.
Jennifer messaged me while she was in the lobby at 10:17pm and said they are calling someone now. I asked if they were calling customs, and she said yes. I asked her to tell them it’s a national security complaint and to ask for a phone number we can call and Jennifer said she did that.
At 10:45pm Jason called me and I’m fairly certain he advised I call the local police, since we saw the plane was getting ready to leave. The employees inside the lobby had told Jennifer earlier that no one from Customs was able to assist.
At 10:47pm I called the Phoenix Police non-emergency number at 602-262-6151. This was about the same time the Korean Air jet was taxiing away earlier than its anticipated departure at 11:10pm.
3 police cars from the Phoenix Police airport division arrived around 11:00pm and talked to me. At that point Chris had just left and Jennifer and her husband were about to leave.
The police report number is 2020-1830839 with Officer Kartchner badge ID 7458.
I first explained to the officer the gist of what was going on, and he mocked me and said I was out here for some bogus election fraud stuff, to paraphrase.
I told the police officers that I was in touch with some people from the White House and mentioned attorneys. I mentioned Jason’s name to them.
The first officer who mocked me and thought it was bogus said that they had received a call from a second person claiming to be a DHS agent. I told them that I never claimed to be a federal law enforcement officer.
Later, they said they resolved it, that it was a miscommunication and it was someone else who was on a 3 way call with a DHS agent.
So for a minute I was worried that someone from our group had called in pretending to be a DHS agent.
Before they figured that out though, the police officers temporarily detained Jennifer, who was already in her vehicle about to leave.
I gave the officers my driver’s license and the list of our people who were there on site. I identified myself as a citizen journalist, and I was not there in any official capacity on behalf of any organization.

The cops left around 11:45pm.
I then took Nancy home, and called Jake on the way home to debrief.
On Sunday 11/8/2020 I had a few phone calls with Jason.