I went public against Facebook for their extreme censorship. If you appreciate my effort in protecting the 1A, please support me in the link below. I face many uncertainties in the road ahead, but I’m sure the future will be bright. #exposefacebook
My efforts led to a criminal referral for Mark Zuckerberg from Rep Matt Gaetz and I have also been involved in an FEC complaint against Facebook in Michigan.
To learn about tax-deductible donations to The Hartwig Foundation for Free Speech through a 501c3 sponsor(AIBRT), please click here.
Thank you for your support!
Cryptocurrency (CoinBase Wallet)

Checks or Money Orders to:
Ryan Hartwig
**currently no mailing address, email me at ryanhartwig@protonmail.com for more info
Thank you!
As a former content moderator for Facebook, I wore a hidden camera to expose the extreme bias and censorshiphappening on a daily basis.
I risked my livelihood and my privacy to let the world know what’s happening behind closed doors at one of the largest tech companies in the world.
I struggled with the decision to go public because it puts my family’s privacy and safety at risk. Ultimately, I decided the truth is more important than my personal privacy.
I’m a firm believer in the 1st amendment and I know of its vital importance in today’s society. I will always stand up for the rights and liberties of my fellow Americans.
If you ever wondered why your political posts got taken down, now you know why. Globally, Facebook stifles free speech, suppresses political movements and picks and chooses winners and losers. This has to stop.One company cannot control elections and the flow of information in a free society.
I was seeing them interfering on a global level in elections. I saw blatant exceptions that just targeted conservatives or favored liberals, and we’re deleting on average 300 posts or actioning 300 posts a day.
Thank you for your support.
About Ryan:
Ryan currently lives in Arizona. He graduated from Arizona State University in 2015 and his hobbies include science fiction and basketball. He recently published Behind the Mask of Facebook: A Whistleblower’s Shocking Story of Big Tech Bias and Censorship. To order a signed copy, please visit https://www.ryanhartwig.org/behindthemask